Glasgow transport museum Part 1

I have visited the museum a few times and always find new things. The more I visit the less I look at the bigger picture and get pulled into small details of the huge machines and building. As I look at each photo I feel my eyes being ‘forced’ into certain direction depending on the shapes in the photo.

This is Part 1 of a possible 3 part post.

Canon 7D was used. ISO was mostly 800, Aperture of F4 or F5.6 were used.

IMG_7799 IMG_7790 IMG_7738 IMG_7767 IMG_7772 IMG_7778 IMG_7785

The last 3 photos were taken with my Canon 1D Mark III with the ISO pushed to 3200 and aperture of F5.6.
IMG_1153 IMG_1106 IMG_1102
Photographs by Jacques …